6 Best Types of African Waist Beads – Slim & Plus Size Waist Beads

waist beadsAfrican waist beads, stomach beads, or better known as belly beads are women’s beaded jewelry accessories. This type of jewelry has seeped into the fashion industry, making it one of the most sought after item in the beaded jewelry category for women. Although waist beads were created out of cultural necessity, women pair them with different styles and wearing apparel.

Why do you want to purchase waist beaded jewelry? Today, we are going to breakdown a couple of facts about waist beads that you may have never known about which includes its history, meanings, various types & styles of beads, and our top BEST for you to buy that we recommend. After you’ve finished reading and observing our research on this item, I’m sure you will have made a decision on which one you’d want to purchase, as we list both slim and plus size waist beads. Nevertheless, enjoy this full review.

Waist Beads History

waist beads history

Before waist beads were a thing and adapted within the fashion industry, the beads were adorn as traditional apparel for different occasions that spans possibly over 2,000 years. Second, waist beads have often been claimed to have found its origins stemming from the continent of Africa, which explains why individuals call them, “African Waist Beads”.

african waist beads

(Figure A) Ancient painting of ancient African Egyptian women possibly wearing waist beads.

Ancient Egypt, located in Africa displays and solidify this fact if you observe figure A. on the left that show early Egyptian African women wearing waist beads. This ceremony is also a prominent cultural thing within the western ivory coast regions such as Senegal, Nigeria, Yoruba and Ghana with women.

Waist beads have known to be an item that attracts men by placing several types of perfumes and small decorative gems, this is a known tradition in Yoruba. Although the this attraction method is not as entirely used today for ladies to get the attention of men, in fashion and fragrance, its much more relevant. Last but not least, the culture of women using waist beads to charm men is mainly why they are constantly worn in today’s society.

Waist Beads Meaning

However, women wear waist beads for even more constructive logic and meaning besides fashion and relationships, but meaningful gestures. This worldwide phenomena and idea is gaining traction today and women are taking notice. Around the world, there’s at least 9 waist beads meanings:

  • Spiritual Well-Being
  • Physical Improvement
  • Health Restoration
  • Female Maturity
  • Femininity
  • Sexuality
  • Fertility
  • Opulence
  • Protection

Importance of Waist Beads in Love Making

The sexual appeal of waist beads worn by women in Africa is said to be highly potent and acceptable to men in the African continent. The African men find enjoyment, desiring and attraction of African women who wear them. Remember, the femininity energy it represents that awakens and stirs masculinity within men. Men that sees the beaded garment worn by the woman understands the commonality as its tradition and the the importance of waist beads in lovemaking.

6 Best Types of African Waist Beads 


Chakra Waist Beads


Spiritual Waist Beads


Crystal Waist Beads


Waist Bead Colors


Stretchy Waist Beads


Gold Waist Beads

Questions & Answers About Waits Beads

1. How to Tie Waist Beads

2. How to Make African Waist Beads

3. What String is Used to Make African Waist Beads

4. Where to Buy Waist Beads

5. Are Waist Beads Cultural Appropriation

6. What Are African Waist Beads

7. How to Wear African Waist Beads

8. Does Waist Beads Shape Your Body

9. How Much Are Waist Beads

10. Why Do Women Wear Waist Beads

11. How to Use Waist Beads

12. What Are Waist Beads Used For

13. What Do Waist Beads Mean

14. What Do Waist Beads Do